being in-love
If we know what’s best for us… Why Love? We all know that being in a relationship is not all about the roses and the chocolates… because roses come with thorns and chocolates makes us fat. But why fall in love in the first place?
I will answer my question in the only way I know… base on my experience.
Loving someone is no different from loving yourself sometimes you need to be selfish and a bit selfless to fall in love. You need to be both worlds… yours and his. You need to be yin and yang to complete each other… that’s what I love about Love. It completes me but loving a complete stranger that’s a bigger question. How do we do it?
That’s where a person’s open-mindedness comes in… to truly know a person involves a lot of hardships. To truly understand you need to UN-learn things. To truly feel you need to be in touch with your emotions. There is an old traveler saying that “You cannot travel the path until you became the path itself” applied on being in love… “You cannot know about love until you have fallen in-love”. So jump on the moving wagon to experience it firsthand… don’t be afraid to love because that is where you will find love.
Yes I have travelled different paths already… yes I have journeyed to many times before… but what I love about being in-love… is that, it always makes my journey’s a little more exciting than the previous ones. I took the road less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.
So be in-love…