Sleepless Night

I didn't get to sleep last night... I wonder why? last time I remember not sleeping was ages ago. I'm not that old though but this past few years I've been sleeping a lot more than the norm.

Ok talking about sleep, - I blog so I could stay awake haha - I used to stay late at night when I was still studying. Grandmama used to tell me that I have a bad habit of staying up so late at night. Mom and dad didn't mind maybe because they're heavy sleepers too. The longest I have stayed awake is 4 days no drugs, no coffee (I'm not a coffee drinker) just plain Cigarettes, food lots and lots of food and more coke and it was all because of an impromptu out of town.

Since I am the type of person who rarely sleeps inside something that moves fast, that trip - the very long trip - feels like a drug for me. so 4 days is my max but I often do what we call "overnighters" when I was a little younger.

Overnighter means:
Day 1 - start work, end work, dinner , go out with friends, stay at friends house then we will realize that its already morning the next day.then we will proceed to:
Day 2 - will borrow a shirt from friend then proceed to work, if its a Friday, Wednesday or Saturday chances are we will still find something else to do till late night. then go home. sleep and be late for work the next day.

Sigh, I cant help but reminisced about the good old days... the younger years... where I took advantage of sleep.

Talking about my recent battle against sleepless night, I was wondering, what made me not sleep?  I drank 2 bottles of soda it used to help me sleep before, I made sure I was comfortable well ventilated and NOT HUNGRY and still I keep on tossing and turning in my bed. Is it OLD AGE!?!?!?!?! Or its just my body's way of telling me Enough sleep "Galaw galaw" hahaha

Whatever it is... here I am I woke up 12:00 PM Wed and still up and running (a bit Hyper) and its now almost 6:00 PM Thursday , its 30 hours and I leave work in 5 more hours so I'm expecting myself to be alive and kicking for five more hours. haha a big Good Luck


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