Riding in tandem

Reading some old news today and I read something about the riding in tandem law?!?!?! Are you serious?!?!

Come on... at some point this is plain stupid. The laws are created for the rich and the poor is there to suffer!!!

Heres what I read about it, a bill was submitted that doesnt allow riding in tandem or you can only back ride if your relative is driving... come on!!! Yes I hate people on motorcycles who cuts in front of you when inside a vehicle specially in edsa... but not to permit it is plain stupidity. The PH is compose of mainly average earners... roughly 30% are rich and only 60% can afford a vehicle (brand new or second hand) so the rest rely on public transportation that sucks. Ok to deal with a problem we have to identify WHAT IS THE PROBLEM?

Criminals on motorcycle? Then we should add more police or traffic enforcer round the clock. Add more police visibility or lets equip our police forces to be ready... more patrol motorcycles for the police who can chase this criminals on motorcycles. More cctv or more lamp post on not so well lit areas... awareness and cooperation of the barangays... and participation from all of us.

Motorcycles causing traffic? Then we should enforce strict road rules. Implement a no bribe rule and every "huli" should be captured by cctv cameras or we can let our cctv cameras do the huli and we will just be informed by a letter haha.

Bottom line its the "not so well off citezens" who will suffer... I myself hates motorcycles but since my brother owns one and I am confident that my brother is a law abbiding citizen who needs to worry right? But he bought his motorcycle to evade manila's traffic so he can fetch his wife at work and he uses that to go to wotk too. Now how can he do that if his wife cant ride with him anymore?

How much is a motorcycle, cheapest cost around 60 thousand pesos right and how much is a good second hand car? Do the math ph goverment and try to solve problems by eliminating the rootcause and not by passing bills that is just a copy cat law of other countries?!?!?!?! I dont care if Columbia does have a riding in tandem law if all of their citizen can afford a ratio of 1 motorcycle for every person who needs to backride?

Unless youre going to give back our taxes so we could buy a good secondhand car oops sorry i didnt think you will do that how on earth can you pay for the luxury car on your garage if you do.

Laws are created for the benefit of the majority... and the majority of us is not that rich to own a car.


So I guess there will be a law too to prevent drive-by shooting or ambush? Only one passenger per vehicle even if its a sedan or a van?



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