too Fast or Go Slow?

this is related to my previous blog.... the one that doesn't makes any sense hahahaha... I guess when your happy it's not supposed to make sense at all. cause when you put too much on everything it gets complicated... the labels, the thinking. the analogy,  it usually happens after the event took place... so right now just enjoy the moment and believe it will last.

too fast or Go slow... I cant answer that not right now I guess... I have done SLOW before actually its more like careful but it didn't work I have done FAST before but same thing. I guess the answer to the question lies with another question... right mindset or call of the moment? or both?

right now I have the right mindset I know what I want I know what I have been looking for... but when the MOMENT CALLS FOR IT ( hahahahahaha Private Joke Sorry... Just cant help it ) all you need to do is go for it... no need to make it complicated. after 1 year here I am... or should I say here we are, going strong because we had the right mindset and on that day ( almost a year ago ) the moment called for it.

Was it fate? or it was just simply a reward for all the past heartaches? I don't want to know anymore... I just wanna feel... and I Know that what we are feeling right now is what we both want... a not so complicated Life.

Talking about commitments... we used to be a high school kinda thingy before... but on every relationship it gets upgraded ( so does the material gifts huh...hahahahahaha ) as the days passed by that's when you know that what you feel during that moment is right... so whether you wanted to go slow or go fast... make sure the feelings will back you up.

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYY sigh... I was reading my post again it it doesn't makes any sense, AGAIN!!!

till next time Hoping I will make sense!!!


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