my 15 minutes of fame... I'm officially ending it...

For the past few years, it’s been a whirlwind… I enjoyed some part of it but for the most part I have learned. For some they would like their 15 minutes to last a lifetime but I would like to retire… retire… and just retire. I always thought of and dreamed of a simple life… white picket fence doesn't sound realistic but I want all that… the epitome of simple… a green garden a rocking chair that matches the patio… sigh I want all that.

I don’t want fame anymore… I decided to disregard luxury… and embrace simplicity at its finest… I don’t want coke and cigarette in the morning… I would settle down for tea. I don’t like cars that omit smoke… walking would be fine with me. I rather grow vegetables than buy them in the market. I wanted to grow old in the mountains with horses running in the wild and living free… I wanted to go back… back to basic.

As I ponder along while I write… I have another thought…

I just given up my 15 minutes of fame… but I’m not yet crazy, I may want simple things right now… But I can’t just give up on coke and yosi… well I guess for the meantime… hehehe

I don’t care what they say; I am in love with you… If I think about it… I would still love you.

11 months and still counting.


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