Everyday I always see… the passion hidden beneath your eyes…
Every moment spent with you… are memories locked till the day I die.
What is yours are mine and what’s mine is yours…
My heart welcomes you with open doors.

A few weeks ago, I have stepped in a new era of my life…
The start of something new… the start of me and you!
I never imagined that it will be like this…
It’s like the first time we hug and kiss.

I once dreamt of a married life…
But now I realize…
Married life is nothing compared to what I feel...
It’s like a game without rolling the dice.

We call it moving in… the Simple JOY’S of Living … IN!!!

March 22, 2008, 2 months and 8 days… and still counting.

Mushy mushy Mon, Maybe it was fast but we don’t feel like such.
Maybe it was sudden, but I was dreaming back then.
Now that I am awake… Eyes wide open…
No time, No space, can stop what has happen.

Oh well, enough with the rhyming… and let’s get to the point…
Directly and bluntly said… Mon is finally awakened!


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