Growing up

Most young adults wishes to grow up... well When I was 16 I wished I was 21 so i could frequent bars where people my age are not allowed... well I'm tall and a bit on the big boned type so I had no problem passing as 21.

When I turned 21 I worked in a salon and I was one of the youngest in the bunch and then i started living my age... when I turned 24 and worked for a call center... I stopped celebrating birthdays. I dunno why I stopped, maybe with all the late night partying and all week "happening" I was tired... tired of counting and maybe I was a bit scared of "growing up".

It all started when I get to taste my first cigarette (still addicted with the occasional quitting at some point of my young adult days) when I tasted my first bottle of beer and I realized I'm allergic... my first videoke that lasted till the wee hours of the morning... my ability to buy coke and get hooked to it... and my never ending search for the "right path". Those where the days, I never said or claimed that I am a good son, a good brother or a good cousin... I never was... I'm the eldest in my family and you will be surprised that I was a self confessed spoiled brat... I remember one time during our family trip to Baguio I did not spoke to my parents because I wanted to buy a big wicker basket hahaha so gay right... going back to my point, which is growing up was fast for me... too fast.

I did not regret anything... growing up, to the contrary I was able to enjoy it but i find it hard and difficult to believe that every year as if time was on a "fast forward" state and i couldn't catch it anymore... yes a couple of years has passed and I get to meet new friends... different experiences... new hobbies and I am still growing up.

I just wish we could all stop... counting and just start living...


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