Life is fair... when you truly deserves it!!!

this blog derives from bitterness that I am not feeling... I wanted to be bitter coz I know its the normal thing to do... I wanted to be angry... coz most people do... I wanted to feel a lot of things... but I am not realizing it now... maybe some other time... or possible NEVER...!!!

I work hard... I sometimes do, this is a fact or maybe untrue... Life gives us complications or situations that are unavoidable... but life never give us something that's not controllable and that's true!!!

I am expecting this, as I said before... but I couldn't help but wonder do i deserve it...

Looking at the big picture, oh what a big one it is... for others it may seem unfair but for me its just right and I don't care. I am the sole person who i can depend on... but it doesn't mean I don't need support... I am my own soldier but it doesn't mean I'm at the losing end... there may be power in number but behold the power of 1... I could go on and on and on... but what am I banking on?

the pessimist me started to kick in... do I really deserve it? maybe the answer is no but what good it will do? maybe for me somebody else deserves it better than me... but right now I really don't care...

Yeah sometimes it sucks... but life can be a little bit sweeter...

I am a soldier armed with a smile... a minor set back is still better than a project canceled so snap out of it man... coz its never too late. 2008 may be a lot of things for me but as I kept on saying 2009 will be a lot better...

BREAK OUT and STAND OUT!!! this time I will try!!! :(


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