Every story is a love story...

from Alexander the great... to the average guy around the corner... the world is made up of Love stories... some last and some ends tragic... so how do you want to end yours?

Love stories may sound like a cliche to some... but for me its the optimist way to view it. Even action movies has a touch of love in it... truly love makes the world go round.

on every story, love is behind it, from the love of power... or the love of somebody else... it evolves around us, so I believe that every story must be told with passion with desire and with good intentions... but to the contrary some stories that were told out of disgust or bitterness has Love to blame... so how do you want your stories be told?

My story is no different from yours... I may live the love I have in a different way but it will end up like everyone else... tragic or happy the ending may be... Love resides in every lines every phrase and every sentence once our stories told...

Live love everyday... Love life for this is where your story begins...

make it worthwhile... for I don't know anybody who doesn't or did not lived with love at some point of their lives... Love is all around us... learn how to accept it and know how to give it... make every story counts make every story last...


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