The trip, it was fun and tiring... traffic sa SLEX but we never thought that it would keep us from our simple getaway. It took us 2 hours to get to batangas to be honest I thought that this means a rough travel for us but no... once were inside the Pier it was smooth sailing we only need to wait for the boat for 15 mins we just arrived in time. being the first to occupy the boat I thought that it would take us 2 hours to wait for other passengers, but we sailed on time... I remember the saying "WHEN THE GOING GETS TOUGH, THE TOUGH GET GOING" after 30 mins of smooth sailing here comes the hard part... 15 minutes before Puerto... the sea is not calm anymore... its like a sign... Ive been to Puerto a couple of times and I thought I have seen the worst... Actually I have seen the worst 2 yrs ago I it felt like the boat is about to capsize water is everywhere but this time it was slightly the same but just imagine a woman crying at the back shouting every time a big wave comes by... is very dramatic.20 minutes of literally crawling above the waves we arrived at puerto just in time for lunch... trying to forget the boat experience we splurge on food. lol
The Stay, It was a bliss... what keeps us nourished is the bottles and bottles of coke that we kept inside our room, with our Cigarettes (we're both smokers so our air conditioned room became a smoking lounge for us... the food although there's nothing special about it was very good... Although Puerto doesn't have anything new for me I still enjoyed it... I dunno maybe its the company ... lol
this is a first for us... his First time, my first time and our first year... his first time to puerto, My first first year with somebody... OUR FIRST YEAR as partners... all I could say is... IT WAS ALL A BLISS.
To sum it all up... it was a perfect day suited for a perfect occasion... with the travel hassle included I saw it as a sign... during our first few months we saw a storm in the horizon... but like the boat we were in that day... we somehow avoided it reaching our destination... we will never know what 2009 has in store for us... we already talked about it a couple of times but deep inside we know that this will not last forever... nothing is forever but we know that we will last... at least our first year is over and the way we celebrated it it was a blast.
talking about forever... don't get cynical on me... lets get real... I know a lot of people who celebrates their monthsary and never lasted 6 months... we were just grateful that we are still together committed in caring and loving each other... this is new for both of us so we just wanna take it slow this
As long as we're happy... as the saying goes "WHEN THE GOING GETS TOUGH, THE TOUGH GET GOING" we'll make it together...
As i sum it all up we already have plans for our next trip... really 2009 is a peaceful year... for the two of us!!!