Perfect timing
Its not luck but more of a "right timing"... its been that way ever since...
I rarely travel but when we do... we never had a delayed flight na sobra i kakapeste ng araw mo... back in emphasis days i remember one flight got delayed but just for 2 hours with free food pa. Sykes days... i dont remember one and during these time medyo napadalas ang alis... then after that its always been snooth sailing ever... even when cucci and I travel laging no hassle... something to be thankful for, but again its not luck but perfect timing i guess.
When it comes to finances... we were never rich its been the same ever since. i dont think we never really outgrew the so called poor stage haha... but its not always smooth but we somehow made sure that we are happy... from the start we accepted the fact that life would not be fair nor just everytime... there will be losses and a couple of wins... but i guess with God's perfect timing we were able to survive those days.
With friends... you can never really say that you are lucky to have them... in every relationships luck doesnt play any part on it... its more on the "timing" friends will always be there when you needed them and you will somehow be there on the right time they needed you. Perfect world isnt it?
I guess my point on this long post is that in our life, there will always be that perfect timing moment which you need to cherish... that perfect timing moment when you feel down and something made you laugh so hard and lifted you up abit... that perfect timing moment when you will say... I guess i did the right thinh several years ago because today will not be the same if i havent done that.
Cherish every milestone... disregard the negativity because i always belive that whenever there are nagative energies around us you just have to find the positive ones that will perk you up...
Life is meant to be enjoyed... every burden a reward on the end... every mountain you climb theres a different view to behold... we are living so be grateful.
Till next time...