just wanna share...

404I haven't a clue
A3Anyplace, anywhere, anytime
ADNAny day now
AFAIKAs far as I know
AFKAway from keyboard
AREAcronym-rich environment
ASAPAs soon as possible
B4NBye for now
BAKBack at the keyboard
BASBig a** smile
BBIABBe back in a bit
BBLBe back later
BBNBye bye now
BBSBe back soon
BEGBig evil grin
BFBoy friend
BFDBig f***ing deal
BFNBye for now
BGBig grin
BIBOBeer in, beer out
BIOYIOPBlow it out your I/O port
BLBelly laughing
BMGWLBusting my gut with laughter
BOTECBack-of-the-envelope calculation
BRBBe right back
BTABut then again...
BTDTBeen there, done that
BTWBy the way
BWLBursting with laughter
BWTHDIKBut what the heck do I know...?
CICOCoffee in, coffee out
C&GChuckle and grin
CNPContinued in next post
CRBCome right back
CRBTCrying real big tears
CUSee you
CULSee you later
CUL8ERSee you later
CYASee ya
CYACover your ass
CYOSee you online
DBADoing business as
DFLADisenhanced four-letter acronym (that is, a TLA)
DLDead link
DLTBBBDon't let the bed bugs bite
DIKUDo I know you?
DITYIDDid I tell you I'm distressed?
DOMDirty old man
DOSDozing off soon
DQMOTDon't quote me on this
DTRTDo the right thing
DWBDon't write back
E2Eexchange to exchange
E2Ee-business to e-business
E2Eemployee to employee
E2Eend to end
EGEvil grin
EMFBIExcuse me for butting in
EMSGE-mail message
EOMEnd of message
EOTEnd of thread (meaning: end of discussion)
ESADEat s**t and die
ETLAExtended three-letter acronym (that is, an FLA)
EWGevil wicked grin
F2FFace to face
FAQFrequently-ask question(s)
FCFingers crossed
FISHFirst in, still here
FLAFour-letter acronym
FMTYEWTKFar more than you ever wanted to know
FOMCLFalling off my chair laughing
FTBOMHFrom the bottom of my heart
FUBARF***ed up beyond all repair or recognition
FUDFear, Uncertainty, and Doubt
FWIWFor what it's worth
FYIFor your information
GAGo ahead
GALGet a life
GIGOGarbage in, garbage out
GD&RGrinning, ducking, and running
GFNGone for now
GGPGotta go pee
GIWISTGee, I wish I'd said that
GLGood luck
GMABGive me a break
GMTAGreat minds think alike
GOLGiggling out loud
GTRMGoing to read mail
GTSYGlad to see you
H&KHug and kiss
HAGNHave a good night
HANDHave a nice day
HHISHanging head in shame
HIGHow's it going
HTHi there
HTHHope this helps
HUBHead up butt
IACIn any case
IAEIn any event
IANALI am not a lawyer (but)
IAWI agree with or In accordance with
ICI see
IGPI gotta pee
IHAI hate acronyms
IHUI hear you
IIRCIf I recall/remember/recollect correctly
ILU or ILYI love you
IMImmediate message
IMCOIn my considered opinion
IMHOIn my humble opinion
IMingChatting with someone online usually while doing other things such as playing trivia or other interactive game
IMNSHOIn my not so humble opinion
IMOIn my opinion
IMSI am sorry
IOWIn other words
IPNI'm posting naked
IRLIn real life (that is, when not chatting)
ITAI totally agree
ITIGBSI think I'm going to be sick
IWALUI will always love you
IYSWIMIf you see what I mean
J4GJust for grins
JBODJust a bunch of disks (like redundant array of independent disks, etc.)
JICJust in case
JK or j/kJust kidding
JMOJust my opinion
JTLYKJust to let you know
KISSKeep it simple stupid
KITKeep in touch
KOTCKiss on the cheek
KOTLKiss on the lips
KWIM?Know what I mean?
L8R G8RLater gator
LDLater, dude
LDRLong-distance relationship
LHOLaughing head off
LLTALots and lots of thunderous applause
LMAFOLaughing my f**king a** off
LMAOLaughing my a** off
LMSOLaughing my socks off
LOLLaughing out loud
LRFLittle Rubber Feet (the little pads on the bottom of displays and other equipment)
LSHMBHLaughing so hard my belly hurts
LTMLaugh to myself
LTNSLong time no see
LTRLong-term relationship
LULABLove you like a brother
LULASLove you like a sister
LUWAMHLove you with all my heart
LYLove ya
LY4ELove ya forever
MorFMale or female
MOSSMember of the same sex
MOTOSMember of the opposite sex
MTFMore to follow
MUSMMiss you so much
NADTNot a darn thing
NFGNo f*****g good
NFWNo feasible way or no f*****g way
NIFOCNaked in front of computer
NP or N/PNo problem
NRNNo response necessary
OICOh, I see
OLLOnline love
OMGOh my God
OTFOff the floor
OTOHOn the other hand
OTTOMHOff the top of my head
PANSPretty awesome new stuff (as opposed to "POTS")
PAWParents are watching
PCMCIAPeople can't master computer industry acronyms
PDAPublic display of affection
PEBCAKProblem exists between chair and keyboard
PIBKACProblem is between keyboard and chair
PITAPain in the ass
PMPrivate message
PMFJIBPardon me for jumping in but...
POAHFPut on a happy face
::POOF::Goodbye (leaving the room)
POTSPlain old telephone service
PUThat stinks!
RLReal life (that is, when not chatting)
RORRaffing out roud (Engrish for "laughing out loud")
ROTFLRolling on the floor laughing
ROTFLMAORolling on the floor laughing my a** off
ROTFLMAOWPIMPRolling on the floor laughing my a** off while peeing in my pants
ROTFLMBORolling on the floor laughing my butt off
RPGRole-playing games
RSNReal soon now
RTReal time
RTFMRead the f***ing manual
RYORoll your own (write your own program; derived from cigarettes rolled yourself with tobacco and paper)
S^S'up - what's up
S4LSpam for life (what you may get when you become someone's customer or client)
SHCOONShoot hot coffee out of nose
SEGS***-eating grin
SETESmiling ear to ear
SFSurfer-friendly (low-graphics Web site)
SHIDSlaps head in disgust
SNAFUSituation normal, all f***ed up
SOSignificant other
SOLSmilling out loud or sh*t out of luck
SOMYSick of me yet?
SOTShort on time
SOTMGShort on time must go
STFUShut the f**k up
STFWSearch the f*****g Web
STWSearch the Web
SUShut up
SUAKMShut up and kiss me
SUPWhat's up
SWAGStupid wild-a** guess
SWAKSealed with a kiss
SWLScreaming with laughter
SYSSee you soon
TAThanks again
TAFNThat's all for now
TANSTAAFLThere ain't no such thing as a free lunch
TCOYTake care of yourself
TFHThread from hell (a discussion that just won't die and is often irrelevant to the purpose of the forum or group)
TGIFThank God it's Friday
TIAThanks in advance (used if you post a question and are expecting a helpful reply)
TILIITell it like it is
TLAThree-letter acronym
TLK2UL8RTalk to you later
TB4UToo bad for you
TMIToo much information
TNTTill next time
TOPCATil our paths cross again (early Celtic chat term)
TOYThinking of you
TPTBThe powers that be
TTFNTa-Ta for now
TTTThought that, too (when someone types in what you were about to type)
TTYLTalk to you later
TUThank you
TYThank you
TYVMThank you very much
UAPITAYou're a pain in the ass
UAFUntil further notice
UWYou're welcome
VBGVery big grin
VBSEGVery big s***-eating grin
WAGWild a** guess
WAYDWhat are you doing
WBWelcome back
WBSWrite back soon
WDALYICWho died and left you in charge?
WEGWicked evil grin
WFMWorks for me
WIBNIWouldn't it be nice if
WT?What/who the ?
WTFWhat the F***!
WTFOWhat the F***! Over!
WTGWay to go!
WTGP?Want to go private?
WU?What's up?
WUF?Where are you from?
WYSIWYGWhat you see is what you get
YBSYou'll be sorry
YGBSMYou gotta be s***tin' me!
YMMVYour mileage may vary.
YWYou're welcome


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