a prayer...

Dear God,

June 12, thursday as we commemorate our 110 years of freedom... We filipinos are asking for guidance, guidance to help us with our daily task. perseverance to help us endure the changes that's occurring everyday. Give us the strength to overcome each and every trials of life so we may become effective and efficient human beings to continue your work. Allow us to have the opportunity to change our bad ways and aid us in unifying our country.

forgive us our sins and help us to move on, help us remove the hate and the anger in our hearts as we move forward with our lives. Help us to accept the changes and help us to innovate our old ways.

make us stronger to help those who re in most need of our guidance, inspire us to pass on the knowledge that we have acquired over the past years to inspire others to persevere. Inspire us to be better with what we have and to achieve what we wanted to achieve.

Bless us with your grace and continue to bless those who are in in need.

We pray to you our Lord, Our savior and our pillar of Strength.

May we... be eligible for your Divine grace.



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