We often find this deal breakers, example would be being a “jejemon”. Me personally I find it tolerable talking to one that use numbers as letters but for some it’s a deal breaker.

I’m gay and I don’t normally chat in a public chat room dominated by straight guys. I go to a room where in I know that everyone’s gay… prejudice aside… I go online to chat to meet friends that like the same things that I like. Here comes FB Chat, the awkwardness of asking someone if their gay or not, single or in a relationship, how young or old and the usual “Location mo”. I wanted to stay away from those, which is why I prefer YM or MSN so that my people list is already screened and pre approved.

One day, I decided to open my FB chat to see if any of my friends are online… then pops out the FB Chatters. Ok nothing unusual, then I find this guy who seems friendly… started chatting like “hey nice post” instead of the normal “location mo” so I decided to give it a try. We are like chatting for an hour or so when he asked if I have a GF so I said no at the back of my head maybe it’s a subtle way of asking am I gay or not… then he asked why and I then I blurted out “ Coz I’m gay” and expecting that he would back out thinking that’s his deal breaker (or maybe that is my subtle way of asking him “I am gay how about you?”) and then he said “ Uh OK “.

Something is wrong here so I reviewed our conversation and trying to look for clues that may enlighten me. My first question to myself is… “Why did he chatted me in the first place… will a straight person do that? Have small talk with a guy who they are not sure if they are gay or not?

Then we continued chatting… I asked him do you have a GF then he said no (Ok maybe he is gay) so I let go of the issue and continued chatting with him… I’m having fun so who cares.

Then we started talking about things that we do have in common things that doesn’t includes boxing, basketball, girls and other guys, make up etc. we talked about “SAFE” things… safe topics to a gay guy and a straight guy (I’m still assuming that he is straight, I don’t want to ask him) then we reached the topic of age… I asked him how young he is and he said 22 (what… !!!) and he asked me back I said “I’m old… I’m 28. AND THEN HE SIGNED OUT!!!

OK I freaked out… not because that I liked him or what. I waited for a few minutes maybe he had a bad connection or electricity is down at his location… but he didn’t signed back in to FB chat. So that’s his deal breaker… Well I think he’s gay looking for a hot young gay guy acting straight to be safe not wanting to be upfront and shouting I’m gay will you chat with me. So I figured him out (or I would like to think so) funny thing is my deal breaker is age to. I don’t talk to anyone who in their early twenties but since I was so focused determining if he’s gay or not… I was the first one blocked out.

Most common deal breakers would be:

Obsessed things we didn’t like
Negative thinkers
Occupied while chatting

 Oh I think I just described myself. LOL

So what is your Deal breaker?


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